OH... It's a time of drawing!
Who will be my Lady Luck...?
A phonecall to my mother...
Hello Mum! Would you, please, say one number between 1-8? Oh, only one number?
Yes! Then it will be... four!
Ok, just a minute! I'll look who's comment is the fourth...
How exciting... the...
Who will be my Lady Luck...?
A phonecall to my mother...
Hello Mum! Would you, please, say one number between 1-8? Oh, only one number?
Yes! Then it will be... four!
Ok, just a minute! I'll look who's comment is the fourth...
How exciting... the...
I'll post these quite BLUEISH goodies with Tilda's Hus to Canada on the next week.
One more time congratulations DOLORES! And BIGgest and WARMest HUG ever to the others!
It was a nice experience to arrange this giveaway...and I'm glad that you joined in... maybe again next year ;)
Riikka (vastaan sinulle tällä tavoin, kun en tiedä email -osoitettasi)
Mukava, että osallistuit arvontaan;) Itse tilaan kankaani pääsääntöisesti netin kautta joko ulkomailta (Ruotsi, USA) tai Suomesta (Tilkkutex, Tilkkutarha, Tilkkusatu, Poppanavakka). Helsingissä on tilkkukauppa nimeltä Tilkkutalo Kotipuoti. Siellä aina aika ajoin piipahdan, kuten myös kaivelemassa Eurokankaan puuvillakangaslaatikkoja;)

I FINISHED finally today my first Stitcher's Angel project. It was the first week design from Helen.
I named it - A pouch full of roses.
I changed the measurements a little and used the linen. It's perfect as a birthday gift pouch!
My last summerholiday week is now over... have to go to the work tomorrow morning:(
But I'm lucky, there is a high pile of unfinished works waiting for me in the evening;)))
I wish you a happy and autumnal week!
5 kommenttia:
What a lucky girl who was the winner!!!
Your products are so delicate and beautiful, I admire your good taste!
Thank you so much Satu and please thank your lovely mother for choosing the number that made me a winner. Now, how did you know that my favourite colour was blue? I love Tilda books and will be waiting in anticipation.
I really like the fabric you used on the bag. I think I will be making some closer to Christmas as gifts.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I think you make the most beautiful things. Love this pouch with the rose stitchery!
Kiitos Satu vinkistä.
Ajattelinkin käydä Stadissa torstaina. Eurokankaassa olenkin jo käynyt tutkimassa laareja..
Aloitin Irlannissa ennen lähtöäni
tehdä Dear Janea..mutta eihän tilkkuni pitkälle riittäneet, joten nyt hieman pulassa.
onneksi mieheni käy Irlannissa pian, joten saa käydä tilkkuostoksilla. Blogisi on todella viehättävä, aloitin sen lukemisen, kun ymmärsin, että tilkkuilijoilla on valtava nettitaivas...
Kaikkea hyvää ja kiitos!
Riikka riikkasarsama@gmail.com
Congratulations to the lovely Dolores! And what lovely presents you made for your Angel. Lucky Angel! Your Civil War Blocks are lovely as always. So scurely made!
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