I did sew this block yesterday, but it was so late, that I fell asleep right after it was ready. So I'm writing one day late...
April 21, 1864 Emma Florence Le Conte Furman wrote in her diary
Hurrah! Old Abe Lincoln has been assassinated! It may be abstractly wrong to be so jubilant, but I just can't help it. After all the heaviness and gloom of yesterday this blow to our enemies comes like a gleam of light. We have suffered till we feel savage. (quote from CWD quilt book written by R. Youngs)
Block 80. Old Abe Lincoln is the last entry of Emma in CWDQ book.
Because I was busy with blocks in February I can now show you all the blocks, which are attached to Emma's notes.
It was a amazing journey with Emma; reading her notes, which she wrote during 1864 at the South Carolina College in Columbia (her father was a scientist and teacher there at the campus) gave many emotions. Mostly they were sad and angry ones, but there was a hint of hope too.
In May I'm planning to sew only two CWD blocks, on 1st and 28th, but in June there might be more again...