FOR TODAY June 27, 2010
Outside My Window... sunny, sunny... and very windy.
I am thinking... Hanne and May-Britt. They have made a agreement to finish their Butterfly Garden (designed by L. Beasley) quilts before next summer. I'm in the same boat with them, I too neglected mine after five finished block (four more to go) and lost my inspiration. I would like to join with these two ladies, but I know, I won't manage to do one -even- mini-block in a week.
I am thankful for... that I have this blog. The blogging gives a lot of inspiration. And here I can meet many talented and kind persons. Some of them I have learnt to know better...
From the kitchen... a traditional finnish mid-summer food: new potatoes, salted herrings and salad. And creamy ice-cream as a dessert... unfortunately without strawberries:(
I am wearing... green T-shirt, dark blue capri-trousers.
I am creating... something new. Yes, I have been totally on the side-track lately. Probably it's more easier to tell you what I have done with this...

2. I also got the patterns of Down in the Garden (designed by Leanne Beasley). And of course I had to try some stitches... and select some fabrics...
3. One day I was mood for appliqueing. So I dig up the first block of Le Jardin (design from Bunny Hill).
4. Yesterday I read a lot of blogs... and I couldn't no more resist 'Klosjes'! Yes, I copied the pattern of 'them and cut the first ones. I'm going to sew them today, while watching the football match between Germany and England. Oh, that will be THE match! I won't reveal which one of them I spur on;)))
5. Maybe you now wonder, why I'm speaking of being on the side-track. That's because I should have focus on the stitching of the next GDO block. Hmm... only three days left... And plenty of stitches undone... Sorry, girls, I did it again! I'm late!
I am going... to continue on the side-track! It's all too fun!!!
I am reading... the old finnish craftmagazines. I must throw away the ones that I won't need anymore.
I am hoping... a good week at the job.
I am hearing... the voices of the birds. The first young birds are out of their nest.
Around the house... the wind is swinging the curtains of this room.
One of my favorite things... is starting always a new quiltproject, before I finish the old one. It's not necessarily a good thing???? Shall I feel a hint of quilty... oh, sorry... I mean guilty;)