Yesterday I was in Tampere at the handicrafts fair called Suomen Kädentaidot. It's the biggest fair of the handicrafts here in Finland. It is arranged every year in November. And there is hundreds of exhibitors, representing all kind of handworks. It's a good place to find very rare Christmas presents. And there really was plenty of lovely handicrafts and so much to see...

Before I left there I decided not to buy ANY fabrics, but as you see what happened to my decision... I couldn't resist... Especially new Tilda -fabrics are SO jummy...
Saturday was very inspiring day...

I was back home from Tampere late in the evening... but I felt so creative (although my legs were hurting = too much walking) that I embroidered those cute penquins, which is the next block (number 9) from Lynette's BOM Noah's Ark. And I think I'm going to use some of those fabrics in this quilt...
The penquins block is one of my favorite block.
They are so lovely little creatures, they make me happy always whereever I see them.

More inspiration I got from
Elin. She finished her GORGEOUS Sylvia's Bridal Sampler - quilt. For now I have only read the first book of Jennifer Chiaverini's quilts stories (the Quilter's Apprentice), but I have followed (and dreamed) some talented quilters who have sewn their own SBS, for example
Anne Ida is one of them.
With a help of Elin I found
pages where you can get a one block pattern in week (BOW). So I joined in and sewed my first block (Night&Noon) last weekend. I have now sewn two other blocks: Sylvia's Shooting Star and Yankee Puzzle. A good start...
The book of Sylvia's Bridal Sampler with patterns will publish next spring.

I have also appliqued a little bit my first block from the I believe in Angels -quilt.
And of course the journey with my Dear Jane has continued in this week after one week break...
One triangle from the bottom row is now waiting for me on my ironing-board...
So until next time,
PS. Olen saanut haasteen ja lupaan ottaa sen vastaan heti, kun keksin ne viisi kummallisuuttani, jotka uskallan julkisesti paljastaa ;))) Kiitos haasteesta, Maritta
Here is amazing giveaway. It would be every stitcher's dream to get such a present, atleast mine...