Viime viikolla se sitten iski... OIKEA ompelulaiskuus!
Lisäksi "helle" ja alkava flunssa nuuduttivat niin, että iltaompelu ei houkuttanut - lainkaan...
... so the planned sewing evening on last Thursday was only a distant dream!
I tried to catch my plans today...
but this flu disturbs and tires me all too much... I sewed only one CWD block today, even today it would have been a new CWD block...
And if you read this story till the end, you will learn an extra thing, which annoyed me more today!!! Krrr!!
Here is some instruction for the cutting:
- from pink and grey fabric, cut:
* two 7/8" x 5 1/2" rectangles (B)
* one 1 3/4" x 11" rectangles (E)
* one 1 1/8" x 11" rectangles (G)
* one 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" square. Cut it once half diagonally to make two triangles. (C)
* two 2" x 2" squares. Cut them once half diagonally to make four triangles. (D)
- from white fabric, cut:
* four 1 1/4" x 1 9/16" rectangles (A)
* two 3/4" x 11" rectangles (F)
I started by sewing pink rectangles (B)... or precisely pink strips... around white A unit. A/B unit should be measure 2" x 1 7/8".
Then I attached pink/grey C and D triangles...
... like this ;)
Look I still smiled, although my head was quite painful due the flu.
Today I used the Companion ruler (the angle 60 degree)...
... to trim the excess of fabric. And of course to make sure that my patches - or triangle units - are the right size... ;)
I was still happy to sew this interesting block ;)...
... vaikka käytettyjen nenäliinojen röykkiö ompelukoneen vieressä kasvoikin!
VOILA!!! I had all the corner units finished! ;)
Then I started to piece the center of the block.
I sewed the rectangles E/F/G - or strips - together this way...
... and again I cut the triangle units by using Companion ruler.
Olipa pimeä päivä! On lähes keskipäivä ja salamavalot räiskyy!
Oh, I lost my sight... or visibility...
... but I'm ready to sew all the triangle units together ;)
Vielä hymyilyttää,
kun en tiennyt edessä odottavasta "katastrofista" mitään!!! Ehkä tilkku-inspehtoorillani oli siitä aavistus, kun tässä vaiheessa välttämättä halusi tulla kuvaan mukaan...
And VOILA... la... la... laaaa...
WHAT!!!!! OMG!
I sewed the triangles in the wrong order!!!!! KRRRR!!!!
Apparently I really lost my sight!!!! KRRRR!
Well, now I'm all too tired to rip and re-sew it! Maybe I just figured my own block...
Nyt Satu pomppii tasajalkaa ja päätäkin alkoi särkeä tuplasti!!!!!
Maybe it's better that I won't promise you, when I'll introduce the next CWD block...
but there is still 7 blocks with the date in June.
June 5, 1862. Eldress Nancy Elly Moore wrote in her diary: About noon day, Colonel James with 200 Calvary, who are in search of John Morgan and his band of guerrillas, called to get lunch and to fill their canteens with cool water from our well. The family were just going to dinner when they rode up. So soon as they were done eating, the Brethren carried out the victuals that were cooked, and divided them around as well as they could. They soon discovered where the victuals came from and they flocked to the kitchen doors, they appeared very hungry for vegetables, they devour the raw lettuce with avidity and appeared to be very thankful for all they got.
(a quote from the Rosemary Young's book Civil War Diary Quilt)
Happy next week my friends!!!
Tiinatei: Tri-Rec-Tool viivain on todella hyödyllinen, jos haluaa ommella teräväkulmaisia sakaroita, kuten edellisessä CWD blokissani on. Tri-tool:n kulma on 53 astetta ja sen kanssa käytettävän Recs-tool:n kulma on 27 astetta. Sen käyttöä esitellään mm.
täällä ja mm. ruotsalainen tilkkukauppa Lapp-Elisa myy niitä...
täällä. Se on luotettava ja hyvä tilkkutyöbutiikki ;O)