Nyt riepoo, pännii, hatuttaa, kismittää, kiukuttaa, per...hosittaa, krrrKRR!!!!
Ja syy on esillä alla olevan kuvan vasemmanpuoleisessa plexilaatikossa... krr!
I was very pleased late last night, when I got all Celtic Solstice blocks sewed in this stage... and before I went to sleep I wanted to see one Birthday Girl block and one 54-40 Fight block finished... and I also wanted to be really ready for next morning to start sewing blocks together.
So I went and looked one more time Bonnie's clue 6 to see how she press her seams. AND... then I realized it! What I have done!?! ALL those Birthday Girl blocks (on left) were sewed wrong!
Great, you are very clever, Satu!
WHERE's the ripper?
I don't know what I had in my head that the Birthday Girl block should be like that... Maybe my head was still in a daze after quick trip to the island of Jersey.
I was able to unpick only eight blocks before I fell in sleep...
Well, I started with them...
... luckily I had sewed those 54-40 Fight blocks right;o)
Nyt ei enää niin paljon hatuta;o), mutta ratkojalle riittää töitä...
... before I continue unpicking, I'll go and admire wonderful Celtic Solstice quilt tops, here.
Hugs, Smiles And Warm Fuzzy Feelings
to every one;o)
9 kommenttia:
Satu, it wasn't wrong, just different. In my opinion, it was also the nicer of the two layouts.
Vaikka kuinka tuijotan noita blokkeja (ja vertasin edellisessä kommentissa olevaan linkkiin) en kyllä keksi, mikä niissä on vikana? Minusta kun ne näyttävät tosi hyvälle, samoin kuin isompi kokonaisuus. We don't make mistakes, we do variations!
That really looks great Satu!!!
I love the colors in your Celtic Solstice. You have a good eye for color. I'm sure it was frustrating to realize you'd sewed them wrong. I hope it doesn't take too long to fix.
Kaunis väripiristys!
Satu you have been busy making yourself extra work ...oh no , it will look lovely when done .i see Phoenix is up to his tricks again
Upealta näyttää kyllä tuo lopputulos, joten koita jaksaa puuhata ratkojan kanssa! Voimia, tiedän miten tuollainen pännii!
this is looking lovely............wished I had started this one........
Hi Satu...I love this quilt, beautiful colours;)
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