I promised to reveal the secret of this little package...
... today, on the second Advent.
I guessed that there is something jangling inside... like jingle bells...
... but I had no idea how many things there would be.
... and I have never seen so tiny bells: the pink bell's diameter is about 6 mm.
Thank you, my dear SSCS pal Sue!
I'm really looking forward to a Christmas Eve now!!!
The flu, which I mentioned last time, is still disturbing my Christmas plans.
Although I have tried to do - at least something - the most of the planned I must just forget. So I realized this Christmas train went already...
But as I said... I have tried... otherwise my cheeks wouldn't be this red...
In the evenings, after working days...
... I have knitted few extraXS - size socks for my...
I only wonder, when I have time to finish them...
I also sewed a needle book imitating one of the Anni Downs' pattern...
... but the photo of it you'll see after Christmas, because I made it for...
Oh, I do love this time of the year with all it's SECRETS;o)
I'm glad you popped here and
5 kommenttia:
So many lovelies.
Onpas täälllä paljon kaikkea kivaa:) Virkatut tähdet ovat todella kauniita:)
Herkän kauniita virkatut tähtesi. Onko ohje julkisesti jossain saatavilla? Ensi joulua jo suunnittelen...
Aika upeat joulutähdet laitat korttien mukaan! Joulujuna ei selvästi ole ihan kokonaan sinua ohittanut, kun olet ehtinyt tällaista.
Have a good time getting ready for christmas and don´t let it turn into stress. It is okay if you don´t get everything done, you have made so much already! Have a nice christmas season
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