Still half an hour left...
before it's the 5th December here in Finland.
So I won't be late with my next CWD block...
December 4, 1861 Nancy Elly Moore wrote in her diary
About this time there were many rumors afloat that the young man of Kentucky would be drafted and forced to take up arms against the Government of the United States. With these reports, many young man of our neighborhood, who were determined to remain steadfast to their loyal principles in support of the government of our Fore Fathers, were induced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other states. (quote from Civil War Diary Quilt book written by R. Youngs)
...and here it is;)
It has been a while when I last time foundation pieced the CWD -block. And it felt fine;) although Fenix was little bit difficult tonight; teasing me with his playing with the pool of the thread... So it took more time to finish than usual, and a little quarrel with F...
The red (or pink) fabric is Judie Rothermel's Sturbridge Village Miniatures I, multicoloured (background) fabric is designed by Jo Morton and white fabric in the middle is again the fabric which range I don't know.
Oh, suddenly my eyes are feeling so heavy... it was early wakening this morning. It might be better to go to the bed... before I'll fall asleep---
before it's the 5th December here in Finland.
So I won't be late with my next CWD block...
December 4, 1861 Nancy Elly Moore wrote in her diary
About this time there were many rumors afloat that the young man of Kentucky would be drafted and forced to take up arms against the Government of the United States. With these reports, many young man of our neighborhood, who were determined to remain steadfast to their loyal principles in support of the government of our Fore Fathers, were induced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other states. (quote from Civil War Diary Quilt book written by R. Youngs)

It has been a while when I last time foundation pieced the CWD -block. And it felt fine;) although Fenix was little bit difficult tonight; teasing me with his playing with the pool of the thread... So it took more time to finish than usual, and a little quarrel with F...
The red (or pink) fabric is Judie Rothermel's Sturbridge Village Miniatures I, multicoloured (background) fabric is designed by Jo Morton and white fabric in the middle is again the fabric which range I don't know.
Oh, suddenly my eyes are feeling so heavy... it was early wakening this morning. It might be better to go to the bed... before I'll fall asleep---
And relaxing weekend with your stitches;)
And relaxing weekend with your stitches;)
ja jos emme tapaa ennen sunnuntaita
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!
Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!
3 kommenttia:
That is a beautiful block!!
Another lovely block!!
Just lovely!
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