I drew three loads of wood, went to mother Kyes and borrowed her wheel and reel. I came home and spun over three knots of yarns and gathered some cabbage.
Nov. 18, 2009 I choosed my fabrics for the next CWD block. Brown is one of the Judie Rothermel's Sturbridge Village Browns collection. Blue is Renee Nanneman's Itsy Bits fabric. The range of the white fabric is unknown to me. Orange fabric is... I'm not sure, but I think it might be Judie Rothermel's too. Atleast it's some of the reproduction fabrics. And I thought of using it very long time... Should I pick up some other fabric...???? But those coils fascinates me...
Nov. 19, 1862 Mary wrote
I went over Mr. Rowes to find out the reason my cow didn't come home. He said he turned her in with Mr. Holmes lot and told them to turned her out morning. He said he was afraid they had not and he would go and get her. --- I spun over three knots of yarn and doubled and twisted over six.
On Thursday evening (Nov. 19, 2009) I cut fabrics this way
- out of blue and orange six 5*5 cm squares. Those squares I cut also diagonally once, so I got 12 blue and orange triangles
- out of white four 6* 4 cm rectangles
Nov. 20, 1862 Mary dug potatoes and picked them up. And she washed her yarn. (all quotes of diarynotes are from the Civil War Diary quilt book written by R. Youngs)

It's one of my favorites so far. And I'm not unsure anymore of that orange fabric. It matches quite well with the other...
I'm planning to sew two block in December, 4th and 8th of Dec. Although I have some other craftprojects and it's busy time at work too, but I'll try to sew atleast one;)))
SEE YOU and creative weekend to you!!!
PS. Helen has revealed her NEW QUILT: Life is Beautiful. And she has a giveaway on her blog, visit there and spread her beautiful message...

And if you are searching some mystery for your weekend you'll find it here;)))
2 kommenttia:
Excellent block and I like the orange fabric.
Great block and the fabrics go together perfectly!
Thank you for the link. Looks like fun!
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