In the evenings I have been so tired that I let Fenix enjoy the space of my sewing corner...
...and look he really know how to relax!!!
I envy him a little...
BUT TODAY it has been raining all day, and I 'captured' my corner back from him. It might mean that I'm slowly recovering of my recent sorrow moments. But still there is falling few teardrops too...

I also pieced together the next block from Journey of Quilter.
I think tomorrow there will be again sunny and hot day... a perfect day for the stitching;))))
OH NO, the conqueror is arriving... And he is looking quite sleepy too. Maybe I'll give Fenix the keyboard and move myself to...
SEE you...
I really need IT!!!
I'm SO lucky to have and know such a sweet person that you ALL are;)))
PS. This time I'll try to answer with email too... And I updated myDJ and SBS charts at sidebar...
4 kommenttia:
Your Fenix is so cute. At least you are not completely alone. Have fun with your stitching.
I just love Fenix!
Felix is so adorable! Sorry to hear about your recent troubles...
I just love your SBS quilt blocks! One day I'll make a SBS quilt :^)
Oh! That rainbow picture is just lovely. And that latest Journey block is beautiful. I love all the fabrics you've used in it!
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