I just finished block of this week from SBS. It's M3 Dresden Plate (top left).
Top right is N3 Clay's Choice (week 9) and down below is M1 Spinning Hourglass (week 10).
I'm not sure yet, but I think that there might be a break in April for the BOW. Jennifer has written a pattern book called The True Story Behind the Quilt and it will publish soon. So her contract forbids her to publish the material from the book on the website after it is published...
It really means that BOW will continued, but there is no more patterns available on the website.
Hmm... Maybe I have to go to visit some online book-shops... My journey with this sampler is just get started and I would like to finish it... someday...
So here I come... See you SOON! perhaps tomorrow;)
2 kommenttia:
I'm loving your SBS blocks. Your Dresden plate block is amazing! Is it really only 6"? Beautiful work!!!
More gorgeous SBS blocks! Your quilt will be so fabulous! I just keep on admireing your work!
Amazon has april 25th as shipping date on the book...
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