... since last time...
I have been tinkering...
with a thicker cotton yarn...
(a butterfly pattern can be found in a book written by Arne & Carlos)
... and with a thinner cotton yarn...
This month 'Gentle Art' is the Vintage schnibbles quilt.
I sewed and pieced all 25 spool blocks together for the top... but then I had to make - again - decisions! Yes... what kind of borders I would like to have? I think the original pieced border is too restless(?) for my 'Gentle Art'.
But you won't never believe...
this time I got a real mad idea to crochet a border lace myself!
I have no clue, when it will be crocheted... so far 13 tiny pieces is crocheted, what is enough for one border...
And... so that life wouldn't be too easy ;o)...
... after I had sewn the last block of the 2013 Designer Mystery BOM called 'April Showers' (the block pointed by the yellow arrow), I decided not to follow the instructions of the finishing kit.
When I became such a rebel? Or do I only try to be a little too creative...
in a fool way?
Here is the all twelve blocks...
... in Fenix's way ;o)
KRR... I had to iron the blocks again!
We wish you a HAPPY WEEK!!!