Good evening my dear friends...
welcome to share moments of our past week!!!
And if you have time to read this posting till the end, you'll find out
what happened to 'Mon ami'. Is it A DISASTER or...???

and sewed these blocks!
I must now express myself---- WOW!!!!
I think the biggest THANK YOUs goes to...
IRMA - she has lately struggled with her babyJanes. And I think she is doing very well, although she is considering to giveup. But the seeing of her beautiful blocks gave me THE inspiration.
ROBIN - she pieced her GORGEOUS green babyJanes together and it looks AMAZING. THAT gave me MORE inspiration. I have now 126 blocks of 169!!!
ANINA - tutor of myDJ journey, is also piecing her DJ top... Oh, a LOT of more inspiration!
KAREN - I have ADMIRED her talent to use print fabrics in her DJ -blocks, especially her fussy cuts are sometimes ADORABLE! So I also decided to try that... in one block for BlueJane. Hm... NICE;)

After such exhausted evening...

to applique some easy pieces for block 1 of 'The Night before Christmas'
to walk and enjoy these winterscenes at the Langinkoski. It's one of the historic places here in Kotka. It's famous, because there Alexander III of Russia had a log house built between the branches of the Kymi river. The log house is now a museum. You'll find more info here
or here.

I had energy to sew BOW for SBS
G-8 Crown of Thorns.
(there is also last week BOW)
ARE YOU STILL with me??? Hopefully you are not bored...

on Friday evening...
Wait, I won't show you IT yet...

And finish one more block for Cheryl's 1880's Sampler quilt.
I choosed fabrics of J. Hendricksen's Miniatures range, but something disturbs me on colours... Maybe I did a wrong choice, when I picked up that particular pink for the background...
Luckily I have THE experienced assistant;)
Ok, I won't tease you anymore... but I'm showing you...

Yes;) it's not a alley of broken dreams, but REAL mon ami;)
It fits perfectly for the summertable!!! after all...
this quilttale has happy ending!
I'm glad that you shared my story...
we wish you all happy sunday!!!