Niin... taas on Civil War Diary päivä... mutta ihan ensimmäiseksi
Pääsiäistervehdys meiltä teille kaikille!!!
Happy Easter!!! Glad Påsk!!!
As I told you the other day the next CWD block is number 44.
It's quite a complex block, which consists: a sawtooth star, stripes and triangles.
First I made the small, 2 5/8" x 2 5/8" sawtooth star.
I started by calculating pieces for flying geese units. I took the help of Amy Gibson's tutorial:
In her tutorial she explains how to resize pieces for FG units and she also offers instructions on how to use the 4-at-once method to make FG from 5" charm squares. Amy's tutorial is very useful!!

The inch dimensions for the star were this time quite a tricky so I used centimeter... like this:
Cut for the Flying geese units
* 1 red 6 x 6 cm square
* 4 blue 3,5 x 3,5 cm squares
Cut for the other units of star
* 1 white 4 x 4 cm square
* 4 red 2,5 x 2,5 cm squares
As always the seam allowances are 1/4".
If you need help how to sew FG units by this method, please, visit at Amy;o)
Kirjoitan - varmaan - lähiaikoina seuraavan Mitä tänään opin -tarinan, jossa kerron tarkemmin eri tavoista ommella lentäviä hanhia...
Now the sawtooth star is sewed...
... but this star needs a little bit of trimming!
Then I cut one light blue square, which measures 3" x 3"...
Yes, I returned back to the inch!
... then I cut the square in half diagonally once to make two triangles.
Now I needed a little bit help of Companion Angle ruler!
With the ruler I checked the size of the star+triangle unit...
... then I knew how long strips I'm gonna need. For the stripe unit I cut fabrics like this:
from the red fabric
* one 1" x 7 1/2" strip
* one 1" x 5 1/2" strip
* one 1" x 3 1/2 strip
from the light blue fabric
* one 1" x 6 1/2" strip
* one 1" x 4 1/2" strip
* one 1" x 2 1/2" strip
After I had sewn the strips together, I trimmed the triangle unit with the Companion Angle ruler.
Then it was time to sew both halves together...
... to make this. This unit should measure 4 3/4" x 4 3/4".
The block is almost done!!! Yihaa!!!!
Now we only need to cut two 4" x 4" squares for the corners. Cut them in half diagonally once to make 4 triangles. The triangles are a little bit oversized, but not much;o)
It looks that we have now completed the next CWD block: #44 - Confederate Flag
It's the next block of Ols Hateful Thieves in Civil War Diary book, which means that also today's diary note is written by Isabella Buchanan Edmondson.
April 18, 1864 she wrote: Well, I expect our days of peace and quiet are over, another squad of Yanks passed - four stopped here, stayed until after dinner, and went on back to Memphis - all of them, except one, seemed to be gentleman, oh, How I heartily despise him - I promised to make a Confederate Flag for one of them, Mr. Greer, and he promised he would not reenlist, so I have spent the evening making one, and will give it next time he comes. (quote from Civil War Diary Quilt written by R. Youngs)
The exciting adventure with Isabella is continued on Monday...
see you then!!!!