Becky the Bookworm from my Angel's Story quilt is finished - finally! I have only one block without stitchery, then I'll start to cut squares. Have to sharpen my Fiskars...
I began this quilt in summer 2006, stitched five blocks, then somehow I forgot it... By chance I visited at
Stina's blog in this summer and saw that she is sewing it with the other 'Angels'. That gave me so much inspiration that I started it again. I made desicion to finish it at the end of this year, because I'm going to give it as a birthday gift in next January. I'm not quite pleased with my fabric choises. During these couple of years I have found other fabulous and 'more suitable' fabrics, so I have planned to make another one, which I will keep myself.

Today was quite rainy, no good weather for outdoor activities. So I did some home decorations; sew those curtains and a new table-cloth. Those owls looks funny... When I saw that fabric I knew I have to buy it, owl patterns are captivating.
I also stitched a little bit more butterflies to my Butterflygarden and a few ladybugs to one block of the Nice People and Nice Things.
Already so many creatures.... and more is coming....

These are my goals for the next week...
The second
Pincushion of the Month kit arrived on last Thursday. And I'm thrilled! It looks like a jewel! Hopefully I'll manage to make it correctly.
And it's time to finish atleast a top of this doggie quilt... 'only a month' and it supposed to be given as a birthday present...

to... a charming little man, who took his first
four steps by himself without outsiders help today;)))
It's late and it's time to say goodnight, sleep tight little ones, but before that...I must show you this huge cup. My DH arrived last Thursday from Cincinnati. He was there in WUSV World Championship event (German shepherds all over the world meet and compete) as the leader of the Finnish team. And look what they received... bronze medal and really heavy cup! And I RECEIVED that ruler with inches...
PS. My Stitchers' pal received my parcel last Friday, I'm happily relieved.