And new ADVENTURES with your sewings...
keskiviikko 31. joulukuuta 2008
Four hours left...
And new ADVENTURES with your sewings...
sunnuntai 21. joulukuuta 2008
Christmas Card to YOU
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
tiistai 16. joulukuuta 2008
Be charmed by Noah's Ark
Although my life is not passing the way I planned, I must recognize that our postman has kept me happy these la
I got the letter from Lyn, who posted me the patterns of Noah and Friends quilt (so refreshing!) It's one of the Kookaburra Cottage's design. Thank You Lyn for your speedy and kind service;))) I can't wait over holidays to start it... Oh, I already picked up some fabrics for Leo the Lion -block....
Should I get worried about my Angel Story quilt. Am I able to finish it before the end of this year??? HAVE YOU NOTICED, there is so much other things keeping you busy... You must concentrate, Satu.... now...
Block A and Block B are finished, but where are the rest???
It seems that someone is going to sew on Christmas...
But first I have to get my health (and voice) back... See You Again;)
sunnuntai 14. joulukuuta 2008
Already - Third Advent
And I must give up some doings for... because in the end of this week I got nasty flu... and I have
Soon it is also time to post christmas cards... and I haven't done any... yet. I usually delight my friends with home-made cards... What will happen this year? How could I find time to make them... THE panic...! Most of them must be in post office on Monday...
Maybe it's after all my lucky day...I searched and found some old creations ;))) But somehow I'm feeling that I'm not quite pleased with them...
With this third stitchery of the Wish Quilt I Wish You Happy Holidays packed with Secrets and Dreams.
These Bronwyn's stitcheries are sooo lovely and very addictive... when I finish one, I must start the next one ... even this flu couldn't stop me...
sunnuntai 7. joulukuuta 2008
Second Advent - at work

And Esther is teasing all Red Delicious fans with a little sneak peek at the next block. Looks really interesting... and red;)))
This is the quotation from that Australian Homespun magazine:
"Dreams come true, if we only wish hard enough.
You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it." - J.M.Burrie
Hmm... Have to think about that...
torstai 4. joulukuuta 2008
"Santa's" Little Helpers Exhausted - both
After two quite hectic sewing day it seems that also my wellserved Bernina is as exhausted as my Bunny... It works (=walks) like a snail! Especially the long seams are quite tough to sew...
And today I was going to sew my Angel's Story blocks together... GRRR... I'm not happy, now!
Besides this there will be a weekend, when we will celebrate our country's Independence on Saturday. So no help is available until next week...
Maybe I'll visit my Mother tomorrow and borrow her Husky... Mother will always rescue me... I'm SO HAPPY that she is my true Sweet ANGEL... always! And luckily the seam of the patchworks are rarely toooo looooooong;)))))
tiistai 2. joulukuuta 2008
Love birds
It's waiting for blanket stitches and few other embroiderings. Red is not really my favorite colour, but it's December and I found just suitable Kathy Schmitz's fabrics from my stash for this quilt. I'm happy - again - that there is so many kind ladys offering their patterns for free. I'm looking forward the next one...
Cross-stitching is one of my great passions.

Unfortunately I'm bit of slow at stitching, so there is several unfinished works in my basket. But it doesn't matter... Valerie Pfeiffer's birdies are one of my favorites. They will decorate potholders someday... with some lovely fabrics...
Last week I received third delivering from Quilt Fabric Delights

sunnuntai 30. marraskuuta 2008
First Advent

I'll be back soon... to show you something what I have done lately... and purchased ...;) I have to avoid computer, because there is so high pile of unfinished works next to my sewing machine...
Last week we (finally) got 'some' snow here in the southern coast of Finland... It started to snow on Sunday morning and it finished on Thursday. The centre of our city was full of snow! But it disappeared soon... it has rained two days now...
lauantai 22. marraskuuta 2008
More blocks...

BLOCK B: Sophie, Tilly and Dimity.

I visited at Stina's blog and found an interesting mystery BOM, Red Delicious. As you see I'm again planning to start something new...... I have so perfect fabrics for it...
But now I must hurry... Indiana Jones is waiting for me....
It was again a great pleasure to see you ;)))
sunnuntai 16. marraskuuta 2008
Yesterday I was in Tampere at the handicrafts fair called Suomen Kädentaidot. It's the biggest fair of the handicrafts here in Finland. It is arranged every year in November. And there is hundreds of exhibitors, representing all kind of handworks. It's a good place to find very rare Christmas presents. And there really was plenty of lovely handicrafts and so much to see...
Before I left there I decided not to buy ANY fabrics, but as you see what happened to my decision... I couldn't resist... Especially new Tilda -fabrics are SO jummy...
Saturday was very inspiring day...

The penquins block is one of my favorite block.
They are so lovely little creatures, they make me happy always whereever I see them.

With a help of Elin I found pages where you can get a one block pattern in week (BOW). So I joined in and sewed my first block (Night&Noon) last weekend. I have now sewn two other blocks: Sylvia's Shooting Star and Yankee Puzzle. A good start...
The book of Sylvia's Bridal Sampler with patterns will publish next spring.

I have also appliqued a little bit my first block from the I believe in Angels -quilt.
And of course the journey with my Dear Jane has continued in this week after one week break...
One triangle from the bottom row is now waiting for me on my ironing-board...
So until next time, HAPPY SEWING.......
PS. Olen saanut haasteen ja lupaan ottaa sen vastaan heti, kun keksin ne viisi kummallisuuttani, jotka uskallan julkisesti paljastaa ;))) Kiitos haasteesta, Maritta

PPS. Here is amazing giveaway. It would be every stitcher's dream to get such a present, atleast mine...
sunnuntai 9. marraskuuta 2008
In the middle of sewing and doing houseworks, I have to show you what I received last Wednesday from Australia.
Yes, it's parcel from my Angel;))) (Exactly there were two parcels.)
It was exciting to open them... I felt like a child on Christmas Eve opening her presents... my eyes were sparkling, hands were trembling ...
And it was open!!!!
Lovely bag, cute tiny scissors keeper, tablerunner made from fabrics with australian wildflowers and parrots (suites well on my Advent table) and the pattern of the bag designed by Janelle Wind... oh... and there was also... jam jam... piece of chocolate... nam nam...
Thank you my sweet dear Angel, Judy.... I love them all VERY MUCH!!!!
But now back to the kitchen and sewing corner... I have doing some new project and if you have noticed the badget from my sidebar I have joined to the Angel's Story club (at the last moment, deadline is end of this year).
maanantai 3. marraskuuta 2008
Flying Angels... lazy days...
Why? IT was Halloween weekend but, I have my doubts about that...
Anyway it's nearly two weeks when I last used it... oh, time is flying and I haven't kept my goals:(((
Top of the doggie quilt, still unfinished... cute pincushion is still unfinished and so UFO pile is higher and higher... christmas is coming... No, I'm not stressed... YET!
On Sunday I wiped the webs off and sewed few seam, but only few.
The last block from Angel's Story is without last blanket stitches... I'll introduce all my Angels to you soon...
...before another Angels from Bunny Hill Designs will occupy my sewing room... or maybe they already have done it...
I had to try how it looks the Angel flying above winter landscape. Perhaps a good idea for the christmas card...
Because it's already November, I can finally show you picture of these goodies which I posted to my Dear Stitcher pal. Her name is Judy. She lives in Australia and is quite busy with her two boys. Hopefully she have enough time for herself too. I'm honoured to be her 'Angel'.
Helen wrote, if we are lucky she'll run all this fun again in next year... Jippii and REally Big Hugs....
lauantai 25. lokakuuta 2008
Summertime is ending

Early next morning we will here in Finland say goodbye to summer 2008! Must remember to turn clocks a one hour toward last summer...
Now there is a strong wind outside and very dark. It would be nice to light a candle or two...
Relaxing Stitching Days to you all;)))
sunnuntai 19. lokakuuta 2008
A Little Bit This and a Little Bit That

I began this quilt in summer 2006, stitched five blocks, then somehow I forgot it... By chance I visited at Stina's blog in this summer and saw that she is sewing it with the other 'Angels'. That gave me so much inspiration that I started it again. I made desicion to finish it at the end of this year, because I'm going to give it as a birthday gift in next January. I'm not quite pleased with my fabric choises. During these couple of years I have found other fabulous and 'more suitable' fabrics, so I have planned to make another one, which I will keep myself.
I also stitched a little bit more butterflies to my Butterflygarden and a few ladybugs to one block of the Nice People and Nice Things.
Already so many creatures.... and more is coming....
These are my goals for the next week...
The second Pincushion of the Month kit arrived on last Thursday. And I'm thrilled! It looks like a jewel! Hopefully I'll manage to make it correctly.
And it's time to finish atleast a top of this doggie quilt... 'only a month' and it supposed to be given as a birthday present...
It's late and it's time to say goodnight, sleep tight little ones, but before that...
maanantai 13. lokakuuta 2008
Nice People (=Very Busy Postman?) and Nice Things
My first stitchery in NPNT is ready. You will find a little story about it here.
I finished that cute block from Lynette's Noah's Ark; Birds and Tortoises. The shields of tortoises are little messy, because I stitched them with two strands. Maybe I should have used only one... Next time I will be wiser;)
Yes, I have a BIG plan to make other Noah's Ark quilt. I heard that one of my nieces is going to have a baby in March. I think these Noah's Ark stitcheries in pastel colours are just perfect for babyquilt. I found that fabric (in photo below) with creatures from Fabric Shack and postman delivered it today. JIPPII!!
So Satu, maybe it's time to change place...
Anyway it's always pleasant to share my time also with you all NICE PEOPLE there!!! See you again;)))
PS. Kävin viikonloppuna katsomassa Heli Laaksosen näytelmää, josta mm. jäi mieleen lausahdus:

"Varma huano on ain paremp ko epävarma hyvä..."
torstai 9. lokakuuta 2008
Updating Stitchers' Angel Swap
Sometimes packages are disappearing in a mysterious way... I have been waiting my first block of I Believe In Angels BOM for three weeks now (from USA), the second block arrived today in one week. So I'm waiting... Maybe I'll get a parcel from my Dear Angel too;))) How exciting...