"Morning has broken and I want to play..."
while Fenix was measuring a length of his gorgeous tail...
I occupied my sewing corner and made the other cell phone case. The first one I sewed on Tuesday.
Moda Bake Shop. It's a very useful blogpage, if you are searching some quick sewing projects...
Yesterday I continued Sylvia's Bridal Sampler with two blocks. The block of this week is I-6 Laurel Wreath.
First I wasn't happy at all, when I saw all those Y-SEAMS... But I had enough patience and I managed quite well;)
Luckily there is a freezer paper and I made my templates of it. It helped a lot! The pieces are much more easier to handle.
In the evening I finally stitched the last stitches to the second block of the Journey of the Quilter. The fabric stripes for the third block are already cut;) Only wondering when I'm going to piece them together...

I hope
you have a nice Weekend with a lot of Vitamin Q;)
you have a nice Weekend with a lot of Vitamin Q;)
PS. My dear PIF friends, Laura and Satu - I'll post your gifts on next Monday.